Who we are
Park Beach Early Learning Centre is a purpose built Centre, providing an environment where children explore their interests, make new friends and develop into proactive, independent learners.
We cater for children 18mths-5 years with high quality learning programs provided for each age group.
Our qualified educators have extensive experience in child care and are always happy to provide feedback on development, behaviour and learning.
We know that our families have the most detailed knowledge in regards to their own children and we feel privileged when they choose to share this most significant time with us.
Established as a privately owned, family oriented long day care child care Centre.

Our centre
At Park Beach we believe that our centre should be a happy place, where children laugh, play, have fun and where children can be children.
We are open 50 weeks of the year from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm – Monday to Friday, we are closed for all NSW public holidays.
Park Beach Early Learning Centre is an approved service and offers fee subsidies to eligible parents through the Federal Governments Child Care Benefit and Rebate Schemes. Our daily fees vary depending on Child Care Benefit (CCB) entitlements.
At Park Beach we believe that our centre should be a happy place, where children laugh, play, have fun and where children can be children. Our aim is to create a sense of belonging, where children can develop self-confidence and where they feel valued and connected to others.
Our educational programs are reflective of an emergent curriculum and adhere to guidelines set by ACECQA, the National Quality Framework and The Early Years Learning Framework-Belonging, Being and Becoming V2.0, 2022

Play is the essential ingredient of our preschool program.
Our curriculum is based on the premise that children are naturally curious about their environment.
Through play in a well arranged and regularly enriched environment, children learn about themselves and their capabilities and develop their cognitive, social and emotional capacities.
Our curriculum is developed in accordance with the interests and abilities of our children and the knowledge that their potential may be enhanced as educators take opportunities to scaffold and challenge developing skills.
Principles and practices
Principles and practices that best support our vision and the developmental needs of our children are:
Children’s individual learning styles.
Parents in their role as primary caregivers and sharing information of benefit to the development of their child.
Opportunities for discovery learning through self-selected activities, and encouraging the development of children’s abilities to observe, perceive, explore, investigate, imagine and problem solve.
That the key to our role is in assisting children to discover their own excitement and passion for the challenge of lifelong learning.

The child as an individual within the context of the family and the community.
Play as a medium for all aspects of development and learning.
The arts as symbol systems through which children discover and express meaning and make sense of themselves and their world.
Positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour, thereby allowing the child to develop self-discipline and parent-supported value systems.
We believe in the empowerment of families and children which emerges when educators provide families with resources and strategies that allow them to see themselves as capable and competent in meeting their own needs and aspirations.
We believe
We are committed to keeping our team inspired.
Our staff should be appreciated for their knowledge and values, contribution of skills; their vision for children, their delight in seeing children learning, and their commitment to families.
In sharing our vision and passion for excellence in early childhood education with other professionals relevant to the education of young children.
We strive to provide our Educators with ongoing education relating to best practices for children.
We believe that early childhood is a celebration of learning and an honouring of diversity that when valued and nurtured appropriately, fosters individuals that can positively contribute to their community and the greater society.