3-4 year olds
We have fun in the Dolphins Room.
The Dolphins room caters for 3-4 year old children and the educators work with the children every day to help them to grow and develop into independent young people.
Our program runs parallel to the Whales room and is tailored to suit children’s individual interests and needs. It is planned around achieving each of the outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework, varying in content each week.
In the Dolphins room we aim to teach children many social and self-help skills to help them to feel confident in their environment and to become independent and autonomous learners.
The program and routines are all flexible based on the needs of our children and the requests of our families.

We create programs which support and embrace the uniqueness of each child, ensuring they understand that they play an important part in our world.

Daily routine
6:30 – Centre opens – Children arrive and unpack bags. Quiet indoor experiences : Manipulatives, puzzles, books
7:30 – Breakfast for children if required.
7:45 – Children help pack up – Sunscreen and hats
8.00am – Outdoor play – Children’s choice
9:00 – Morning tea – Verandah
9:30 – Outdoor play – Children’s choice
10:30 – Starfish room – Storytime, table experiences, including cooking, science, cognitive and art/craft.
11:30 – Whales & Dolphin’s Room – Yoga, Music and Movement
12:00 – Lunch- Whales & Dolphin’s Room
12:30 – 2.30 Rest and Relaxation time.
2.00 – Sunscreen and hats
2.30 – Outdoor Play – Children’s choice
3.00 – Afternoon tea – Starfish room
4.00 – Whales & Dolphin’s room – pack up, puzzles, manipulative resources
4.30 – Outdoor play – Children’s choice
5.30 – Family Grouping – Quiet activities, books, puzzles manipulatives etc.